Upload Sets#

An “upload set” is a single collection of files. You just declare them in the code:

photos = UploadSet('photos', IMAGES)

And then you can use the ~UploadSet.save method to save uploaded files and ~UploadSet.path and ~UploadSet.url to access them. For example:

@app.route('/upload', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
async def upload():
    if request.method == 'POST' and 'photo' in (await request.files):
        filename = await photos.save((await request.files)['photo'])
        rec = Photo(filename=filename, user=g.user.id)
        flash("Photo saved.")
        return redirect(url_for('show', id=rec.id))
    return await render_template('upload.html')

async def show(id):
    photo = Photo.load(id)
    if photo is None:
    url = photos.url(photo.filename)
    return await render_template('show.html', url=url, photo=photo)

If you have a “default location” for storing uploads - for example, if your app has an “instance” directory like you can pass a default_dest callable to the set constructor. It takes the application as its argument. For example:

media = UploadSet('media', default_dest=lambda app: app.instance_path)

This won’t prevent a different destination from being set in the config, though. It’s just to save your users a little configuration time.